
June 6, 2008

Start Hunting @

While on a visit to a leading bookstore, I was casually browsing through Microbiology books section and it was good to flip through the recent editions available in attractive packages of glossy paper, 3-D graphics and complimentary CDs. But the price tag is what, that sent chills down the spine. Even the low priced edition to be sold only in the Indian sub continent was well above the affordability of a student hailing from middle class family.

These skyscraping prices of text books repel the aspiring and talented students yearning to read them. The poor ones are left with a couple of choices, either to borrow worn out older editions from libraries or borrow one from a friend and photocopy the entire book.

E-Books are definitely the easier and clever alternative these days.

As no trees are cut to produce paper (as in the case of conventional books), eBooks are considered environment-friendly. Easy page navigations with bookmarks and search options, cost savings, being available in pdf consuming less space and adjustable font size for those with challenged eyesight, eBooks score very high in utility and benefits.

Don’t miss which has got a wonderful collection of microbiology text books (available for FREE download) and the blog is updated with three to five new books every day.

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