
October 28, 2008

Image Challenge 7: Methenamine silver stain of Lung Biopsy

A 45-year-old AIDS patient presented with shortness of breath and productive cough of a few months' duration. He denied any history of malignancy or recent travel. On physical examination, he was found to be afebrile. A standard chest radiograph showed opacity in the basilar segments of the left lower lobe. There was no evidence of lymphadenopathy or pleural effusion. Then the patient underwent a CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic left lower lobe biopsy. The biopsy was negative for malignant cells but revealed abundant round and oval objects, which stained strongly positive for mucicarmine (Image).

Identify the organism and enter your answer in comments section.

Answer: Cryptococcus neoformans

And the Winners are 

1. Ms. Maheswari 

2. Dr.E.M. Shankar

3. Ms. Mullai


  1. Cryptococcus neoformans,
    Hint: Affinity to mucicarmine stain
    used for mucopolysaccharide staining

  2. Hi
    There are spherical budding yeast cell in the image suggestive of C. neoformans which has an high affinity for mucicaramine. There is another spherical yeast blastomyces which has also have affinity for mucicaramine. Its probably Cryptococcus
