A small, raised, erythematous lesion developed on the dorsum of the hand of a 35-year-old man who worked in a pet shop. Over a period of three months, there was progressive spreading of nodular lesions from his hand to just above his elbow. There was no epitrochlear or axillary adenopathy. The patient did not have fever or other symptoms. His duties included cleaning fish tanks daily, which he did without wearing protective gloves. Needle aspiration of a nodule recovered thick, purulent fluid that was positive for acid-fast bacilli.
What is your diagnosis ? Enter your answers in the comments section.

First three correct entries will receive a surprise gift!
Answer: Mycobacterium marinum
Hearty congratulation to the Winners :
Ms. Mullai & Ms. Maheswari
+ comments + 7 comments
"Mycobacterium marinum"
M. marinum infection associated with fish-tank granuloma.
The lesions typically occur on the elbows, knees and feet in swimming pool-related cases, and on the "hands and fingers in aquarium owners" - Hint.
Aetiology is atypical mycobacteria - M.marinum
"Mycobacterium marinum"
Hint: Acid Fast Bacilli
Fish tank granuloma
Congrats to the person who made the first anonymous entry, Mullai and Maheswari for hitting the bull's eye!
Mullai and Maheswari will be receiving a "Surprise Gift" Shortly !
P.S: We request the participants to give out their names rather than anonymous entry.
We request Ms.Maheswari to send her email id to vgnshrm@gmail.com
That anonymous person was me, maheswari, sorry i had given a wrong identity and sent the answer.
Oops :-)
In whatever identity, your answer is right !
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