Picture 1

Picture 2
Picture 1 is the direct and 2 is the microscopic view of the insect respectively.
Identify the commen and biological name of the insect?
and mention the clinical significance of this insect?
Enter your answer in comments section.
+ comments + 6 comments
Its pediculus humanus humanus or corporis(body louse)
Vector of epidemic typhus and louse borne relapsing fever
Its pediculus humanus humanus or corporis
Vector of epidemic typhus and louse borne relapsing fever
i guess its pediculus humanus captis
head lice
The given unknown image was a Body lice-P. humanus var.corporis
the unknown organism ws found to Body louse Pediculus humanus
Congrats to Ms.Mullai for answering both the questions right - identifying the insect and for listing out the clinical significance.
Fathima & Jenifa answered the first part of question right. :-)
Ramya - Thanks for participating in the quiz. That was too close. Better luck next time.
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