“Multisite Epidemiological and Virological Monitoring of Human Influenza Virus
Surveillance Network in India, Phase I” at ICMR Hqrs. in the Division of Epidemiology and
Communicable Diseases.
Name of the Post: Senior Research Fellow
Qualifications Essential: M. Sc. (Life Sciences) / MBBS degree recognized by MCI
with two years research experience.
Desirable Criteria: Working knowledge of computer applications.
Scientific communication skills , Good quality research
Age: Not exceeding 35 years (as on 31.03.09);
Salary: (i) SRF (Medical): Rs. 15,000 per month (consolidated)
plus 30% HRA (1st year and thereafter)
(ii) SRF (Non-medical): Rs. 14,000 per month
consolidated plus 30% HRA during 1st and 2nd years, and
Rs. 15,000 (consolidated plus HRA during subsequent years
The post is purely temporary till the duration of the project. The appointment is terminable with
one month notice from either side. The selected candidate will have no claim for regular
appointment under ICMR. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
The interested candidates possessing above qualifications may report for walk – in interview on
6th July, 2009 at 11:00 AM to the Administrative Officer, Division of ECD (Mr. Vijay Kalra),
ICMR Hqrs., V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi – 110 029.
For More details: http://icmr.nic.in/icmrnews/ecd_post.pdf
Keywords: Microbiology jobs, Microbiology job vacancy, Research jobs, Senior Research Fellow, ICMR vacancy
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