The Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai, a National Laboratory of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research is one of the world’s premier institutes engaged in research in the area of leather science and technology associated with several international and national programmes seeks to recruit expertise at Scientist Gr. IV level from talented and dynamic Indian Nationals for the following scientific positions.
1st Class M Sc in Biochemistry or Biological Sciences including Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Zoology/ Molecular Biology/ Environmental Toxicology or equivalent with 3 years of post qualification R&D Experience in Microbial fermentation for production of industrial enzymes or bioactive molecules and downstream processing of biological products and Biodegradation of industrial pollutants and tracing the biodegradation mechanism using chemical and biochemical analytical methods.
Ph D in Biochemistry or Biological Sciences including Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Zoology/ Molecular Biology/ Environmental Toxicology or its equivalent with at least one year post PhD R&D experience in Microbial fermentation for production of industrial enzymes or bioactive molecules and downstream processing of biological products and Biodegradation of industrial pollutants and tracing the biodegradation mechanism using chemical and biochemical analytical methods.
Last date for application: September 18, 2009
Download application: www.clri.nic.in.
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