Mary Mallon, an Irish girl in her
teen age moved to the United States to cook for the wealthy. She was a
wonderful cook and would have enjoyed her reputation, had it not been for a
small typhoid outbreak during the 1906 summer. With the local officials ruling out contamination of food or
water as sources, George Soper, a famous sanitary engineer was roped in to
determine the cause of outbreak. Based on investigations and through
elimination processes, Soper narrowed down to the cook, who had mysteriously
left about 3 weeks after the first case of outbreak.
He continued the search for the
lady and his investigations opened up several cases of outbreaks during the
past 10 years, causing about 28 cases and that each time, after the outbreak,
the cook seemed to have left. He strongly suspected that she was a carrier who
never fell ill, but was the source of microorganisms. After lots of efforts and
leads, Soper managed to meet Mary in March 1907, who was working for a family
with a false name and the family had a typhoid outbreak.
An illustration that appeared in 1909 in The New York American
Mary did not cooperate with Soper
when she was told that she was suspected to be a carrier of typhoid and asked
to be tested. She chased him away with a fork and his further attempts to have
her tested failed too. Soper had to call in the authorities and she was
forcefully taken to a hospital and tests revealed her stools teeming with
typhoid bacilli. However, fearing for life, she refused to have gall bladder
surgery to eliminate the bacilli. Having deemed too infectious to live among
public, she was sent to an isolated facility where she lived alone. About 163 samples
from her were regularly tested between 1907 and 1909, and though several turned
to be negative since she was on treatment, health authorities insisted that she
should be isolated. Mary went to court and her lawyer filed a writ of habeas
corpus. Interestingly it is believed that, since her case made interesting and
sensational news, the newspapers had paid legal fees to get hold of the story. Mary
became famous overnight and went on to garner empathy out of public sentiments.
In 1910, the New York City health commissioner decided to release her under a
condition that she should never work as a cook again.
Again, it was a promise that Mary could not keep. She enrolled as a cook in a hospital in New York assuming a
false name and again several people including doctors and nurses acquired
typhoid and 8 died. With that, her
official total was 51 sickened and several dead, but there are no exact figures
available since she worked under several false names for many years. Mary was
again taken into custody and sent back in to exile. Still she refused the
surgery and swore never to change her profession, leading to extension of her
isolation in a hospital room. Eventually, age took its toll and Mary died in
1938 from the effects of a stroke. Upon her autopsy, the pathologist diagnosed
evidence of live typhoid bacilli in her gall bladder.
Very interestingly, in a recent
study published in the journal Cell Host and Microbe in August 2013,
scientists were able to solve the mystery of how a pathogenic bacterium can, in
some people, manage to persist without causing symptoms and find a way to
survive for decades. Salmonella, the bacteria causing typhoid, manage to
hide in the macrophages and hack their metabolism to their own benefit. The
researchers have found that a protein - PPAR-delta was required for Salmonella
to replicate inside the macrophages and hack them. Thus, if the bacterium
is successful, then an infected person continues to spread the pathogen
unknowingly and without falling ill or exhibiting any symptoms, as in the case
of 'Typhoid Mary'.
Thus, to sum up, the life history
of ‘Typhoid
Mary’ goes
on to reflect on how callously those deemed to be contagious threat to public,
were handled by public health officials, those days, and how painful it would
have been to Mary in her perspective, of forced isolated for about three
decades. However, 'Typhoid Mary' will remain immortal for, her very name invoking
a personification of an outbreak and highlighting the importance of personal
hygiene and screening of those who handle food.
- Dr. Vignesh Ram
Image courtesy: Wikipedia Commons
1. Typhoid Mary’s life sentence in
quarantine [Internet]. PBS NewsHour. [cited 2014 May 14]. Available from:
2. Typhoid Mary (Page 2) [Internet]. 20th Century History. [cited 2014 May 14]. Available from:
3. “Typhoid Mary” Mystery May Have Been
Solved At Last, Scientists Say [Internet]. Huffington Post. 2013 [cited 2014
May 14]. Available from:
4. Eisele NA, Ruby T, Jacobson A,
Manzanillo PS, Cox JS, Lam L, et al. Salmonella Require the Fatty Acid
Regulator PPARĪ“ for the Establishment of a Metabolic Environment Essential for
Long-Term Persistence. Cell Host & Microbe. 2013 Aug 14;14(2):171–82.
5. Pommerville JC, Alcamo’s Fundamentals of
Microbiology, 10th edition, First Indian edition, 2014, Jones and Bartlett
India, New Delhi.
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